
“After suffering a slipped disc 15 years ago I needed help to get active again and build up my mobility. Pilates was recommended as it strengthens your core but I didn’t want to attend a class of 50 people in a huge hall while the instructor barks out the next move. Body Nurture was local and after attending a 1-2-1 assessment I felt comfortable and in safe hands. Sue is very friendly and very professional and the classes are small enough to feel involved the whole session.

Body Nurture doesn’t just offer Pilates,  I have also attended yoga, reformer and a gong bath.

I would highly recommend Body Nurture to everyone (so much so my mum now attends Pilates)”

Gareth F

“My daughter recommended I join Body Nurture when I retired from a very busy, demanding job as ‘something lovely to do with all the free time’. I wish I’d made time earlier whilst I was still working as it has brought untold benefits. I look forward to my Pilates class for some “headspace” as much as anything. I feel stronger both mentally and physically and really miss the session if the studio is closed for a holiday. I’ve tried Pilates at a regular gym but amongst the bendy Lycra ladies it is all too frantic and impersonal. With Sue I feel in a much safer place, knowing she is watching over me in a small class, making adjustments to routines to accommodate individual circumstances. (Also my baggy joggers and multiple chins and bellies are not an issue!) If you are contemplating signing up I can highly recommend you do so sooner rather than later”


“Thanks for letting me experience your gong bath Sue.

I enjoyed it immensely. It was lovely to be laid down, snuggled & cosy and to think of nothing but the sounds & vibrations going through my head. I particularly enjoyed watching you play/work the gongs as I did for a short while. You seemed so intense and fully engrossed in your movements and how you moved from one gong to another or playing one and then introducing another gong was really interesting.

After the session and for the rest of the day I felt very calm, chilled & relaxed. And I slept right through the night til the next morning which is unusual for me.”


“I really enjoyed the Gong session on Saturday. I had a busy morning and felt a bit frazzled when I arrived. However I was soon relaxed. The room was warm, the lighting subdued and the whole ambience was lovely. I love the sound of the gongs – they are so soothing and smoothing. The time passed incredibly quickly as I was in such a deeply relaxed state. Afterwards I felt calm and the feeling of relaxation lasted all evening.

Thank you so much”

Linda B

“I find the Gong Sound Baths blissful.  From entering a very calm peaceful environment I enjoy every aspect.  I find that when the gongs start I have thousands of thoughts running through my head but these declutter and seem to focus me on the important things that mean a lot to me.  I also find it easy to go into a lovely floaty calm place and feel very refreshed whenever I have been.

Please keep on gonging Sue!”

Julie A

“I originally started reformer pilates with Sue after a back injury with the aim of improving my core stability, I wouldn’t describe myself as the ‘sporty’ type but felt it was time to try something!

That was 2 and a half years ago and I haven’t looked back. I really enjoy coming to sessions with Sue and feel immediate benefits of each session. The class sizes are small and Sue is very good at tailoring the class to her students to make sure everyone is working to the best of their abilities.

I also started aerial yoga with Sue which is so much fun, and reduces my stress levels enormously. Sue creates a wonderfully calming atmosphere adding thoughtful extra touches to make the session extra special and I always feel 100% safe in the hammock.

I feel very privileged to have such an amazing facility so close to home”


“After starting Pilates very reluctantly because I knew I needed to do some form of exercise, I have been really surprised how much I enjoy it and  how much I have learned in a relatively short period of time. Sue makes it easy to follow, it’s fun and friendly!”   
