Somatics Workshop

Posted on by Susan Bailey

We are delighted to offer this amazing Introduction to Hanna Somatics Workshop at Body Nurture with David Fleming.

Introduction to Hanna Somatics is a rapidly effective form of neuromuscular (mind-body training) movement re-education that goes directly to the root cause of most chronic muscular pain: the brain and the way in which it senses and organizes the muscles and movement. By learning to regain both awareness, sensation, and motor control of muscles – an educational process that can only be achieved through movement – the brain can remember how to relax and move the muscles properly. This process of sensory motor training creates improved muscle function and enhanced sensory awareness.
Chronically-tight muscles that have learned to stay contracted due to repeated and reflexive response to stress such as accidents, injuries, surgeries, repetitive tasks, and on-going emotional stress results in Sensory Motor Amnesia.
The resulting patterns of muscular contraction that develop can result in common conditions such as chronic back pain, neck, shoulder and hip pain, limited mobility, joint pain, poor posture, shallow breathing, and uneven leg length.
Hanna Somatics Movement Education particularly helps relieve pain and disability associated with common health complaints such as: headaches, stiff or painful joints and muscles, fatigue, poor posture, breathing problems, impaired movement, accident trauma and whiplash effects, back pain, repetitive use/stress injuries.
This workshop will introduce you to the basic concepts of Somatics as developed by Thomas Hanna. You will be experientially shown ways to recognise the impact of Sensory Motor Amnesia (SMA) for yourself and then you will be guided through sequences of simple easy movements designed to help release SMA from the front, back and sides of the core of your body.

Venue: Body Nurture

Date: Saturday 25th June

Time: 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm

Cost: £30

Participants: Maximum 12

Light refreshments provided

Contact: Sue on to reserve your place – or sign up on the notice board list. Everyone welcome.